Scarica il libro Endurance. L'incredibile viaggio di Shackleton al Polo Su

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Nell'agosto del 1914 il famoso esploratore Sir Ernest Shackleton e un equipaggio di 27 persone salpò per l'Antartide. Lo scopo dell'Imperiale Spedizione Transantartica era di attraversare via terra il Continente Antartico da ovest a est. A sole 80 miglia dalla destinazione la nave, l'Endurance, rimase intrappolata nei ghiacci del mare di Weddell. I partecipanti alla spedizione rimasero bloccati per 21 mesi durante i quali diedero prova di grande coraggio e incredibile resistenza e alla fine riuscirono a salvarsi tutti dopo un'incredibile odissea.

Alfred Lansing (July 21, 1921 – August 27, 1975) was an American journalist and writer, best known for his book Endurance (1959), an account of Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic explorations.[1]

Lansing was a native of Chicago, Illinois. After serving in the U.S. Navy from 1940–46, where he received a Purple Heart, he Scarica il libro Endurance. L'incredibile viaggio di Shackleton al Polo Sud (ePUB iBook PDF) di Alfr enrolled at North Park College and later at Northwestern University, where he majored in journalism.[2] Until 1949 he edited a weekly newspaper in Illinois. Thereafter he joined the United Press and in 1952 became a freelance writer.[3]

Lansing is best known for his book Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage, the Scarica il libro Endurance. L'incredibile viaggio di Shackleton al Polo Sud (ePUB iBook PDF) di Alfr account of the failed Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew to the South Pole in 1914. The book is named after the ship used by Shackleton, the Endurance, and it became a bestseller when it was first published in 1959. Whilst researching the book, Lansing spoke Scarica il libro Endurance. L'incredibile viaggio di Shackleton al Polo Sud (ePUB iBook PDF) di Alfr with ten of the expedition's surviving members and was granted

access to the journals and personal diaries of eight others in order to get a more complete view of the expedition.[4] While he was writing Endurance, Lansing lived in Sea Cliff, Long Island with his wife, Barbara, son Angus, Scarica il libro Endurance. L'incredibile viaggio di Shackleton al Polo Sud (ePUB iBook PDF) di Alfr and daughter, Holly.

Scarica il libro Endurance. L'incredibile viaggio di Shackleton al Polo Sud (ePUB iBook PDF) di Alfr


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