
Category 3 - Triangular Rectates

Above are sections of rasishi, ragaghi, rigogishi, and firgogishi. A fun fact of rasishi, is that the .37 section appears to have "ho ho ho" all over it. Ragaghi has an unusual look, the gissids are almost entirely exposed except for the hidden nicks under the vertices. Rigogishi has nice spiky sections, notice the unusual rosettes. Firgogishi has very spiky sections - in other words, the polychoron itself has spiky edges.

This category includes polychora with triangular prism vertex figures and their regiment members with 3P symmetric vertex figures. There are 7 regiments of 3 polychora each (the rit regiment has 2 more members in cat. 12. the rico regiment has 4 more in cat. 6). Here are the polychora:

41. Rap (rectified pentachoron) - cells are 5 tets and 5 octs, has 3P verf (vertex figure). Convex. Rap regiment has 3 members (rap, firp, and pinnip).

42. Rit (rectified tesseract) - cells are 16 tets and 8 coes, has 3P verf, convex. Rit regiment has 5 members (rit, firt, hinnit, sto, and gotto).

43. Rico (rectified ico) - cells are 24 cubes and 24 coes, has 3P verf, convex. Rico regiment has 7 members (rico, frico, ini, rawvhitto, sirth, gardoh, and hinpith).

44. Rahi (rectified hi) - cells are 600 tets and 120 ids, has 3P verf, convex. Rahi regiment has 3 members (rahi, fry, and shinhi).

45. Rasishi (rectified sishi) - cells are 120 does and 120 dids, has flat 3P verf. Rasishi regiment has 3 members (rasishi, firsashi, and hinhi).

46. Ragaghi (rectified gaghi) - cells are 120 gissids and 120 dids, has tall 3P verf. Ragaghi regiment has 3 members (ragaghi, firgaghi, and mohiny).

47. Rigogishi (rectified gogishi) - cells are 600 tets and 120 gids, has 3P verf. Rigogishi regiment has 3 members (rigogishi, firgogishi, and gohiny).

48. Firp (facetorectified pentachoron) - cells are 5 tets and 10 trips, has 3/2 AP verf (AP = antiprism).

49. Firt (facetorectified tesseract) - cells are 16 tets and 16 tuts, has 3/2 AP verf.

50. Frico (facetorectified ico) - cells are 24 cubes and 24 toes, has 3/2 AP verf.

51. Fry (facetorectified hi) - cells are 600 tets and 120 tids, has 3/2 AP verf.

52. Firsashi (facetorectified sishi) - cells are 120 does and 120 tis, has flat 3/2 AP verf - quite intricate.

53. Firgaghi (facetorectified gaghi) - cells are 120 gissids and 120 tiggies, has tall 3/2 AP verf.

54. Firgogishi (facetorectified gogishi) - cells are 600 tets and 120 quit gissids, has 3/2 AP verf - quite spiky.

55. Pinnip (prismatointercepted pentachoron) - cells are 5 octs and 10 trips, has inverted 3P verf.

56. Hinnit (16intercepted tesseract) - cells are 8 coes and 16 tuts, has inverted 3P verf.

57. Ini (24intercepted 24) - cells are 24 coes and 24 toes, has inverted 3P verf.

58. Shinhi (small 120intercepted 120) - cells are 120 ids and 120 tids, has inverted 3P verf.

59. Hinhi (120intercepted 120) - cells are 120 dids and 120 tis, has flat inverted 3P verf.

60. Mohiny (medial 120intercepted 120) - cells are 120 dids and 120 tiggies, has tall inverted 3P verf.

61. Gohiny (great 120intercepted 120) - cells are 120 gids and 120 quit gissids, has inverted 3P verf.

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