Reign: The Conqueror

Reign: The Conqueror premiered February 10, 2003 at Midnight/11c and completed its run on March 3, 2003. Continued to air in reruns until January 1, 2004. Rights to the series have since expired. The series was edited for content.

1 - "A Prophecy Born This Day" - TV-14-V

2 - "The Thunder of Battle" - TV-14-D

3 - "A Failure of Diplomacy" - TV-14-S

4 - "Ascension to the Throne" - TV-14-S

5 - "God of Creation" - TV-14-V

6 - "The Secret of Samotrace" - TV-14-DV

7 - "The Gordian Knot" - TV-14-V

8 - "Here Shall Stand Alexandria" - TV-14

9 - "The Oracle of Ammon" - TV-14-V

10 - "Persia Shall Fall" - TV-14-V

11 - "Unification Before Division" - TV-14-V

12 - "The Vanquished Arise" - TV-14-V

13 - "The Prophecy Comes to Pass" - TV-14-V