Angel / Armstrong Falls

Armstrong Falls - 25 ft

Located about 15 minutes uphill on the unnamed creek that flows into Armstrong Campground. There's a log-filled ten footer a few hundred feet downstream of this.

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Angel Falls - 65 ft

I first laid eyes on this falls fifteen years ago. It had eluded me til about 2010. Someone on Panoramio has dubbed it 'Angel Falls.' It's around 65 feet tall, and can bee seen from HWY 224. It's located 0.75 miles west of Carter Bridge. There's a small pullover, and if you look up the hill, you can't miss it.

Middle Angel Falls - 18 ft

Above Angel Falls are two more falls. Beware of the massive amount of POISON OAK above the cliffs. To get up there, climb up a neat chute in the rock to the left of Angel Falls. The recent burn has significantly changed the landscape, and rockfalls are happening all around this creek, making the hiking interesting at times.

Upper Angel Falls - 55 ft

Located just upstream of Middle Angel.


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