Psion Organiser II

Find details of Martin's program packs - HamLog, FindWord, QuizPack, AutoQ, PFoto, CubePack, LandPack CubePack and xpTOOLS

PSION Organiser web-links, archives, FAQ's and Datapak Erasing Services.

A full set of PSION Organiser II  programme pack manuals. re-published originals and reproductions. PDF Copies of all the books produced for the Organiser. A comprehensive set of peripheral leaflets.

Comms Link with ORG-Link or Psi2Win  for linking the Organiser to a Personal Computer. Including connections tips, testing, repair and republished Jaaps 'Using the Comms Link'

Tips on using Plan the Pocket Spreadsheet including republished user manual and videos.

A few introductory OPL Programmes and some of Jaaps Tips & Tricks salvaged from the original web site. There is an introduction to Organiser Databases. and a checklist for creating Programme Datapaks

The programming development package, allows writing, running and debugging programmes in a Prog Menu Emulator. Demonstrates how to TRANslate procedures in to machine code then BUILD and MAKE datapaks

USB Comms Link

Memory Expansion


Buyers Guide

ORG-Link provides the most functions for Comm Linking to a Windows PC

Or use Psi2Win to connect to your Computer,  Laptop or Tablet

Write, Edit, Run and Debug OPL programmes using ORG2.EXE the Organiser II Developer

Try PSION Chess in DOSBox (here)